"The Magic Throne of Gods" Puzzle

I present this 5-tile Magic Myth, named as "Magic Throne of the Gods".
It is called as magic throne, as it can be rotated around and easily get the shape of a throne.
The goal is to make sure the line is continuous along all sides and tiles (similar to the Magic Maze).

To reach the solution, not one, not two, but THREE risky secret moves
are required to give to this intriguing five tile magic the shape of a cube.

WARNING: despite its few tiles, this puzzle is STRICTLY for magic experts.

Click HERE to watch a nice VIDEO of this puzzle, that INCLUDES all three secret cube moves!!!
(Quicktime movie format)

the Magic Throne of Gods belongs to a new style magic series, the Magic Myths. The stringing of the square tiles is based on the rubiks magics, but the concept is unique.

To build this puzzle you will need some strings, plastic tiles, and some nice paper tiles.
For information of how to connect/number the tiles and the strings, visit two brilliant articles here and here,
(courtesy of Twisty Puzzles articles).


Please let me know of any comments or suggestions. Thanks! :-)


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