"The Flexible Tetragon" Puzzle

Flexible Tetragon, the cousin of the Flexible Hexagon. Just like in the original puzzle,
you must make the shape of the two triangles on the top side, while on the other side,
you are required to match the colors of each side.

For some time I thought this puzzle was equivalent to a normal 8-tile magic,
but it is certainly not (many thanks to Jaap for pointing it out to me).

Both sides of Solution 1
(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Both sides of Solution 2
(click on the pictures to enlarge)

If I could compare the original Flexible Hexagon with a Rubik's Magic,
that would be a hybrid between a "Frame" and a six tile magic.
The hexagonal tiles though, are much more flexible, and they can turn "inside out",
something impossible with the square tiles.

To build this puzzle you will need some strings, plastic tiles, and some nice paper tiles.
For information of how to connect/number the tiles and the strings, visit two brilliant articles here and here,
(courtesy of Twisty Puzzles articles).


Please let me know of any comments or suggestions. Thanks! :-)


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