"Addition Mission" Puzzle


This puzzle is based on the Fool's Spool puzzle, but this one is much harder...
Fool's Spool has 4 columns and eight rows, while this puzzle has six columns and ten rows!
The goal is to find the configuration where the sum of each row is equal to 42.
(it has been done in way such that all sets of sums will be different).





"Operation Mission" Puzzle


This puzzle is exactly the same with the above one, but instead of a sum,
all ten equations and inequalites must be satisfied. There is unique solution here too.
Compared to the above, the puzzle below is childisly easy! :-)



To build those two puzzles I had to "destroy" some other plastic puzzles of the same type.
Those puzzles were mainly made for preschool kids, so they had no solution satisfying all ten rows.
I just interchanged some stickers and that's all! :-)

Please let me know of any comments or suggestions. Thanks! :-)




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